The gods have been conspiring against me in Rome on actually putting up a couple of posts. I was planning to put up a few pictures of the Race day and Cinque Terre but they will have to wait. Rome, it seems, has it in for me. The first day we arrived, I logged on to the Internet in our room only to find that you can't upload any photos because they use a virtual interface through the TV.
The next day, after doing all the sights I went on a 2 hour wander through Rome trying to find an Internet Cafe. I came up with nothing except for some very tired legs.
The third day, I knew where a cafe was so I went there with Rob earlish only to find that all the computers were down. I was starting to get determined. I hang around the Patheon doing some people watching filling in a bit time before heading back an hour or so later. It looked good, it was open and there were some spare computers. I entered and ask for a computer. I got asked for ID. I didn't have any. It was Rome. I was being careful after hearing all the stories about pick pockets. I was denied access. I found another one. It was closed. On the way home, while waiting for the shuttle bus, I spotted another internet sign across the road. Surely. I entered and said 'Internet' in my best italian which sounds pretty similiar to English. She shook her head.
Today, the 4th day in Rome, I spotted I cafe next to the Vatican City. We decided not to enter the city due to the 5000 people already cued up so I went to the cafe. It was looking good again. I entered, they didn't ask for ID, even though I bought with me this time, I logged on, plugged in my camera, it was all looking good. However, I couldn't see the C drive as they had blocked access. Getting photos out of Rome seems like the hardest thing to do.
I have given up. Finally, broken.