Sunday 23 September 2007

Where's the good karma

Just a few photos from last weekend when I went for a mountain bike ride with Robin. As we were getting ready we kept on hearing some birds making racket in the background. We didn't originally take much notice but just as we were about to leave, we realised they were actually attacking some baby possums. We don't know where the mother was or where they came from but they were pretty vulnerable. We walked over. They were tiny. One of them didn't take any time to run up Robin's leg and perch on the top of his helmet. He picked up another one which had a blood nose and it just nestled in. Finally safe.

There really were quite defenseless. They appreciated some friendly strangers.

Another passerby stopped by and another little possum ran up her leg too.

We called the local ranger that was going to come and pick them up. I hope they are doing well. Our good deeds though didn't stop me from coming off on some sandy hard surface. I went down like a box of bricks and hit hard. I still have the grazes to tell me I am alive and kicking.